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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Light bulbs

    I plan on educationg people on the harmfull effects of light bulbs and letting people know about our light bulb recycleing program at school. I did not even know we had a recycling program for lightbulbs. If more people kne about the program more people ould use it, which would help the enironment.

   We ill be testing the harmfull effects of the glass and the metal from lightbulbs, seperately. We have a control bottle, and two variable bottles, one with glass and one with metal. We will be trying to grow tomatoes in our bio bottles.

     The river water quality test we were assigned is total dissolved solids. The test will show whether there is any solids in the water that shouldn't be there. when a light bulb is broke the glass the metal and the mercury gas in th light bulb, depending on the type of light bulb, can be harmful to the environment. This is why it is important to recycle the light bulbs and not just throw them away, because they will eventually get into the water. All though recycling them is good we have to be careful because we are just gathering up a whole bunch of the hazardous materials in one place. Mrs. Grivins told us about this.

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